
Senior Design - UC Davis (Ongoing)
My team and I are working with orthopedic surgeons and prosthesists at the UC Davis Medical center to develop an orthotic device that restores elbow function to brachial plexus injury patients. We are utilizing a gas strut to provide lifting assistance and locking capabilities in order to keep the device lightweight and ergonomic. My team is in the picture above!

Laminar Flow Chamber - Passerini Lab (Ongoing)
To replicate the laminar flow our endothelial cells experience in our blood vessels, I am designing a flow chamber with parallel plates to subject cultured cells to ideal flow conditions. The gap height is 250 microns, just over two human hairs in width! These chambers are currently being printed with SLA 3D printing.

Make-A-Thon 2025 - UC Davis BMES
My team and I designed a pill splitter for patients with neuropathy and partial blindess. We were one of 3 out of 15 teams selected to move forward to the prototyping stage in this 48 hour design competition hosted by BMES. Our prototype was capable of splitting pills of all shapes and sizes, and we won the Most Creative Prototype award for our device.

Hamilton Camera Mount - Exact Sciences
Liquid handling systems such as the Hamilton are incredibly efficient, but prone to error. I designed these camera mounts to slide into the machine, allowing service engineers to monitor the machines and diagnose failures with minimal interference to the clinical scientist team.

KingFisher Camera Mount - Exact Sciences
Another camera mount I engineered was designed to slot under the tables to watch the KingFisher centrifuges. These were designed to be cheap, lightweight, and to keep the camera out of the way of clinical scientists.

Flow Reservoir - Passerini Lab
I designed these flow reservoirs to be SLA 3D printed out of surgical guide, and used specific fittings and o-rings to provide a water-tight connection. The finished design can be sterilized in the autoclave, traps bubbles effectively, and can stack securely with other reservoirs through a dovetail joint.

Make-A-Thon 2024 - UC Davis
In the 2024 Make-A-Thon, my team and I designed a portable, easily deployable desk for people in wheelchairs to use as they went about their daily activities. The desk would be stowed under the seat when not in use, and would be able to be quickly deployed with one arm. We took home the Most Creative Design award at this competition.
Send me a message!
Contact me about employment or projects:
(650) 660 4935